Friday, April 9, 2010

'From A 1934 Liverpool Echo.'

Taken from the Liverpool Echo dated Thursday, July 19, 1934.


ADAMS-July 18, at 8. Queensland-street (Late Quorn-street) Edge Hill, ALBERT EDWARD (John Adams and Son) the dearly-beloved husband of Elsie Adams. Interment at Longmoor-lane Cemetery,Kirkdale. tomorrow (Friday), at 3.30 p.m.

BAGNALL-July 18, at Octagon. Sandymount-drive,Wallasey. aged 68 years, JOHN ARTHUR, the dearly-beloved husband of Mary Bagna'l, Requiem Mass at SS. Peter and Pauls Church. Wallasey. to-morrow (Friday), at 10 a.m.; interment after-wards at Rake-lane Cemetery.

BOARDMAN-July 16, after painfull illness at Walton Hospital, in his 19th year, NORMAN VICTOR, beloved son of Florence and Alan L. Grayson, of 42, Kirk-road, Litherland. Interment at New Cemetery, to-day (Thursday), at 3 p.m. (Friends please accept this- the only- intimation.)

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