Tuesday, April 6, 2010

'From An 1812 Liverpool Mercury.'

From the 'Liverpool Mercury' dated Friday, May 22d, 1812.

For Sale, the superior American ship Tom Hazard, Ezekiel Carman, Master, burthen 270 tons; a remarkably fine vessel, New York built, copper fastened, and a very fast sailer. For further particulars apply to Capt. Carman, on board, west side Queen's Dock, or to Cropper, Benson, and Co.

For freight or charter, the very fine American ship Cornelia, Hez. Smith, Master, burthen about 350 tons, copper fastened, sails well, and in every respect a superior vessel,- she will be ready to receive a cargo in a few days. For further particulars apply to Captain Smith, on board, Queen's Dock, or to Cropper, Benson; and Co.

For Charleston Direct, the fine America ship Yorick, John Cole, Master, burthen per register 230 tons.-should the next intelligence from America, warrant shipments to that country, freight for one half of her cargo may be obtained, and as the other half is ready to be put on board, she will be dispatched without delay. The Yorick sails remarkably fast, and has good accommodation for passengers. Apply to the Captain on board, in George's Dock, or to Grays, Wilson, and Co.

For sale, freight, or charter, the fast sailing American ship Port Mary, James Watson, Master, burthen per register 250 tons. For particulars apply to the Captain on board,in George's Dock, or to Grays, Wilson, and Co.

Should the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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