Tuesday, April 6, 2010

'From An 1812 Liverpool Mercury.'

From the 'Liverpool Mercury' dated Friday, May 22d, 1812.

For sale, freight, or charter, the fine new and coppered Brig Edward, (of Cork,) William Connelly, Master, burthen per register 223 tons, sails remarkably fast, mounted with 10 guns, and will be found a very desireable vessel where dispatch is necessary. Apply to Beversham Harman, Lapps Island, Cork, or to W. and R. Rathbone. (May 4.)

For Philadelphia, with passengers only, the coppered American ship Superior, Jaco-? Benners, Master, she is about 420 tons burthen, sails uncommonly fast, and is in every other respect, an eligible conveyance, her cabin accommodations being handsomely fitted up, and her steerage? roomy and convenient. For the terms of passage, or any further particulars, apply to Capt. Benners, on board, in the King's Dock, or to W. and R. Rathbone.

For New York, (with passengers only,) the coppered American ship Orbit, H. W. Bool, Master, burthen about 400 tons, a remarkable fast sailer, and will be dispatched without dealy. Her accommodations are of a very superior description, and well adapted for the comfort and convenience of passengers. For terms apply to Captain Bool, on board, in George's Dock, or to W. and R. Rathbone.

Passage for Hampton Roads, to send her passengers on shore in a pilot boat to Norfolk, the well known coppered American ship Armata, Lodowick Leeds, Master, burthen 400 tons, sails remarkably fast, has elegant accommodations for passengers, and will be dispatched immediately.- For terms, apply to Captain Leeds on board, in George's Dock, or Wm. Brown and Co.

For Baltimore, the American ship Rising? Sun, Lewis Boreei, Master, burthen about 350 tons, a fast sailing vessel, and has good accommodations for passengers. For terms apply to Captain Boreei, on board, in the Salthouse Dock, or Wm. Brown and Co.

Should the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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