Friday, April 9, 2010

'From A 1934 Liverpool Echo.'

Taken from the Liverpool Echo dated Thursday, July 19, 1934. Births

Clarke-July 17,to Mr, and Mrs.R.D.CLARKE,of 10,Tullimore-road, Mossley Hill,a son (both well).

Cook-July 18,at 11,Baythorne-road,to AGNES COOK,wife of JOHN COOK, a son (both well).

HUMPHREYS-July 18,to Mr, and Mrs,JACK HUMPHREYS,Stanton,Oakland-road,Aigburth, a son.

KIDD-July 17,at Quarry Bank,to EILEEN (nee Tyldesley),wife of Douglas James Kidd, a son (both well).

MERCER-July 14,at home to GLADYS,wife of RICHARD MERCER, a daughter.-39,Vermont-avenue,Great Crosby.

OLVER-July 18,at the school of Mothercraft Nursing Home,Victoria Park, to DORA, wife of A.J.OLVER,73,Beauclair-drive, a son (both well).

PRICE-July 17,at 34,Cheviot-road,to the wife of HAROLD PRICE (Cissie Eaton).twin sons (premature).

SHALLCROSS-July 18,at the Royal Infirmary,to the wife of C.SHALLCROSS (Nellie Maddock), a son (both well).

TAAFFE-July 17, at Eastfield Nursing Home,Aigburth-road,to STELLA (nee pye) wife of George Taaffe. a daughter.

WILLIAMS-July 17,at Rock Bank,Upton,to the wife of T.B.Williams (Beulah Williamson).a son.

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