Friday, March 26, 2010

'From An 1811 Liverpool Mercury Newspaper'.

'From the 'Liverpool Mercury' dated Friday, September 20th, 1811.

For Tortola and St. Croix, and will deliver goods at St. Thomas's, at the ship's expence, but at shippers risque, the remarkably fast-sailing and well-known ship Mercury, John Murphy, Master, burthen per register 286 tons, mounts 14 carriage guns, copper sheathed and fastened, is now taking in goods on the east side of George's Dock, and will sail in a few days. For freightor passage apply to the Captain, on board, or William Sedgewick, John-street. Liverpool. 9th. Sept.1811.

For Demerary, Direct, the well-known ship Thomas, Geo.? Foster, Master; burthen per register 261 tons, being well armed, is intended to sail in three weeks. For freight or passage apply to I. and P. Macintyre and Co. (Liverpool, 1st. Sept., 1811).

Should the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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