Wednesday, March 31, 2010

'From An 1811 Liverpool Mercury'.

'From the Liverpool Mercury dated Friday, November 1st, 1811'.

By Order of the Assignees, by Alex. Hilton, on the premises of David Hughes, in Park-lane, corner of Kent-street, Liverpool, on Monday next the 4th of November?, 1811, and following days, until the whole of the effects are sold. The sale to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon, all the stock in trade, consisting of superfine woollen and linen drapery goods, ready-made clothes, hosiery, ribbons, also, the shop fixtures, and household furniture, of the said David Hughes; consisting of camp bedsteads and hangings, feather beds and bedding, mahogany and painted chairs, desk and drawers, and a sofa, dressing glasses and tables, washstands, an eight?-day clock, with mahogany case, parlour and stair carpets, stove grates, together with the kitchen utensils, and a large bow window. The shop fixtures and household furniture will be sold on Thursday next, the 7th of November.

The joint Creditors of? William Joynson? and Richard Lewis, both of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, corn and flour? dealers, and co-partners and charmen, against whom a commission of bankrupt under the Great Seal of Great Britain hath been? issued, bearing date at Westminster?, the third day of April, 1806, and also the separate creditors of the said Wiliam Joynson are desired to meet the assignees of the estate and effects of the said bankrupts, at the office of Mr. Joshua Lace, in Liverpool, in the said county, on Tuesday, the 12th day of November next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, in order to assent to or dissent from the said assignees agreeing to a proposal made to them by a mortgagee of certain buildings and premises in Manchester, part of the estate and effects of the said bankrupt, William Joynson, for the purchase thereof, and on other special affairs. Lace, Solicitor.

V. May, Wholesale and Retail Hatter, and late of the firm of Elkins and May, respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has recommenced the above? business, and has for their inspection an extensive assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's London hats of the first quality and fashion, and humbly solicits a share of their patronage and support. N.B. Ladies white hats neatly cleaned. Liverpoolo, Oct. 31, 1811.

Should the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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