Thursday, March 25, 2010

'From an 1811 Liverpool Mercury'

'Old Advertisements-Sales by Auction'.

From the 'Liverpool Mercury' dated Friday, September 20th, 1811.

Without reserve.-tomorrow, (Saturday) September 21st, at half past two o' clock, at the house of Mr. Burgess, bottom of Dale-street. By Thomas Green, a messuage, or dwelling house, shop and warehouse, situate in North-street.- particulars and conditions will be produced at the time of sale.

For the benefit of whom it may concern. At the Custom-house steps, this day, (Friday) the 20th inst. at 12 o'clock at noon, sundry materials and stores from the ship Tom; consisting of masts, yards, standing and running rigging, sails, cordage, anchors, cables, boats, 12 guns six-pounders, with slides and carriages complete, with tackles, brushes, sponges, rammers, &c. two swivels, a quantity of shot, cabin stores, &c. A Rawlinson, Broker, Rumford-street.

Should the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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