Saturday, March 27, 2010

'From A 1901 Liverpool Mercury'.

'From The Liverpool Mercury Dated Monday, February 4, 1901'.


Waring- Feb. 1, at 8, Beach-lawn, Waterloo, the wife of James E. Waring, of a daughter.

To be let, furnished,The Cottage,4, Derwent-road, Stoneycroft, for a period of six months.- For? terms and orders to view apply J.W. Davidson, Cookson?, and Co., 6, Castle-street, Liverpool.

Bagot-street (No.21), Smithdown-road.- Good family house, containing three entertaining rooms, good kitchens, butler's pantry, eight large bedrooms, two dressing rooms, bath and w.c.; electric car passes end of street. Key at No.25.- Apply to J.H. Dodd, estate agent, Dodd's-buildings, 60, Whitechapel. Tel. 7402.

BLUNDELLSANDS.- Maryville (close to golf links and station).- Excellent detached family residence, containing three entertaining rooms, eight bedrooms; two conservatories, tennis lawn, &c. Rent 」100 per annum for three years.- For further particulars and card to view apply F.W. Nicklin and Co., estate agents, 5, Waimer-road, Waterloo, Liverpool.

BLUNDELLSANDS.- Detached houses; three entertaining, six bed rooms; gardens; greenhouse; every modern convenience: 」40 and 」45.- Harbord, Rossett-rd.

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