Wednesday, April 7, 2010

'From An 1811 Liverpool Mercury.'

On Sale.

'From The Liverpool Mercury Dated Friday, November 15th., 1811'.

To Grocers and Sugar Refiners. To be sold or let, with? immediate possession, all those convenient premises, situate in Key-street and Pall Mall, Liverpool, lately erected and fitted up for the above business, consisting of a three pan Sugar-house, with fixtures and utensils complete.
A building adjoining, used as a manufactory for drying and grinding Muscovado sugar, with machinery and utensils, consisting of a very capital steam engine of eight? horses power; mills, &c. capable of grinding thirty hogsheads sugar per week.
Also, a very substantial and complete new erected warehouse to the front of Key-street, with the dwelling-house adjoining on the north.
The whole are freehold, and being within three minutes walk of the Exchange?, together form a very eligible property for a person in the sugar trade.
For particulars apply to Mr. Harris, Olhall-street, Sugar-house.

Should the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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