Tuesday, October 26, 2010

'From an 1870 newspaper'

Taken from the 'Leicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser,' dated Friday, February 4, 1870.

Barkby, Leicestershire. The whole of the neat and useful household furniture and other effects, brewing and dairy utensils, three young dairy cows, one yearling heifer, prime fat pigs, bees, fowls, hay, keeping, &c., &c.

Messrs. Williamson and Walker have received instructions from the Trustees of the late Mrs. Larkin, Cottager, to sell by auction, on Tuesday, 15th day of February, 1870, on the premises, as above, viz., consisting of four-post, tent, and other bedsteads, feather beds, feather pillows and bolsters, wool beds, bolsters, and pillows, washstands, dressing tables, mahogany set of drawers, oak do., looking glasses, carpets, chamber chairs, fenders, fireirons, two night commodes, window curtains, deal cupboard?, napkin horses, five pairs blankets, five pairs sheets, counter-panes, chamber services, mahogany sideboard with drawer, three oak dining tables, Pembroke oak table, oak stand, capital oak desk, two arm Windsor chairs, 12 Windsor chairs, sofa with cushions, bookshelves, books, clocks, fenders, fire irons, paraffin lamps, wine glasses, mahogany tea caddy, tea trays, metal teapots, window blinds, tumblers, knifes, forks, copper kettles, copper saucepans, three deal tables, milk tin, brushes, buckets, clothes baskets, cheese press, cheese vats, cupboard, shelves, plate rack, tubs, barrel churn, barrels, chopping block, knife, copper pans, tin do., glass bottles, several lots of earthenware, &c., &c.
Chaff cutter, swill tub, spade, hay forks, manure forks, scythe, tools, iron pig trough, gates, several lots fine wood.
Also, three young dairy cows, to calve early. One yearling heifer. One prime fat pig, about 14 sc0re. Three couple fowls, three hives of bees. About five tons prime hay to go off, standing in home yard. Two tons prime hay to go off?, standing in the Vicarage yard.
The Auctioneers will feel obliged for the company to meet them at the above premises by twelve o'clock.
Sale to commence at twelve o'clock.
Particulars in Bills.
Barkby Grange, February 2nd, 1879.

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