Thursday, October 28, 2010

'From an 1870 newspaper'

From The Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser, dated Friday, February 4, 1870.

Valuable building land, Oadby. To be sold by auction, by Holland, Warner, and Sheppard, at the Bell Hotel, Leicester, on Thursday, the 10th day of February, 1870, at five for six o'clock precisely, by order of the Trustees of the will of the late Mr. Samuel Canner, and subject to such conditions as shall be produced at the time of sale.
A very valuable freehold estate, situate in the parish of Oadby, in the County of Leicester?, containing, with the site of the farm house and buildings, thirty-five acres or thereabouts.
This property is most eligibly situated for the erection of villa residences, having an extensive frontage to the Turnpike-road? leading from Leicester to Oadby, and the road leading to Stoughton, and being in the immediate neighbourhood of first class family mansions.
The estate will, in the first instance, be offered in one lot, and if not sold it will then be offered in nine lots, as described in the plans and particulars, or in such other lots as may be determined at the time of sale.
Further particulars may be obtained, and a plan of the lots seen at the offices of Messrs. Dain & Smith, Architects, St. Martin's; of the Auctioneers; or of Messrs. R. and G. Toller, Solicitors, Leicester.

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