Tuesday, March 30, 2010

'From An 1886 Liverpool Courier'.

From The Liverpool Courier, dated Wednesday, June 2, 1886.

The Late Mr. Daniel Clarke.- Mr. Daniel Clarke, who died on? Monday at his house in Canning?-street, was one of our best known? and esteemed local men, though? chiefly concerned in business and philanthropic affairs. He was born at Bewdley, in Worcestershire, and was apprenticed to the timber trade, but in early life he joined Mr. Ingram, under the style of Ingram and Clarke, their business being that of lime merchants and commission agents. Though a strong Conservative and Churchman, Mr. Clarke never took a bitter or extreme view, his natural geniality and fine temper being? always conspicuous. During his long connection of fifty years with Mr. Ingram the majority of their employees? remained with them for a great? number of years- Mr.? Lyon, the manager, so long as forty-three years?. In private and social life, Mr. Clarke was greatly beloved for his tendernessof heart, and his society much courted from his joyous temperament. Latterly, however, he had suffered greatly from liver complaint, to which he ultimately succumbed. Mr. Clarke took a very active interest in the various local charities, particularly the Southern Hospital, the Cancer Hospital, and the Dispensaries, and his absence will be much missed at the committees of such institutions.

Should the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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