Tuesday, March 30, 2010

'From An 1886 Liverpool Courier'.

'Miscellaneous- a horse and two houses for sale'.

From The Liverpool Courier, dated Wednesday, June 2, 1886.

A well-bred brown horse, about 16 hands, five years old; rides well and carries a lady; also broken to single and double harness. Apply Banksfield-house, Bankfield-road, West Derby; or to Hignett Bothers and Co., 66, Whitechapel?.

Ardencraig.- No.3, Southbank-road, with ten minutes' walk of Cressington Station.- To be sold or let, furnished or unfurnished, this detached freehold residence, containing three reception-rooms, nine bedrooms, dressing-room, bathroom, w.c., kitchen, scullery, butler's pantry, cloakroom, wash cellar, laundry, Stands in about 5,000 yards of land. Good? gardens, orchard, greenhouses, Apply on the premises. 25myje9.

Aigburth.- To be sold or let, the desirable freehold residence, 21, Aigburth-hall-road, known as Oakfield; within twelve minutes' walk of Cressington and Mersey-road stations, three minutes of the Liverpool Cricket Ground, containing three entertaining-rooms, six bedrooms (three with dressing-rooms), bathroom, w.c., kitchens, and usual offices. Stabling for two horses, coach house, shippons, &c.; large garden, greenhouse, two cottages, tennis lawn, and small croft, comprising in all about 11,500 square yards. Perfect sanitary arrangements. Inquire on the premises. 1je14

Should any of the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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