Thursday, March 25, 2010

'From a 1901 Liverpool Mercury'.

Job Vacancies from The Liverpool Mercury dated Monday February 4, 1901.

Hairdressing.- Wanted, a smart Lather Boy; also an Improver.- Apply John Neill,, 116, Paddington.

Haidressers.- Wanted a Youth; one who can shave? and cut hair; to live in; no Sunday work.- Apply W. Morris, 10, Church?-road, Waterloo.
Hairdressers.- An Improver Wanted; good shaver; no Sunday work.- Apply H. Armitt, 152, Upper Warwick-street, Prince's Park.

Hairdressing.- Smary Boy Wanted; one who has been some time at the business.- Hardman's, 9, Seymour-street, London-road.

Machinist for Blouses, Ladies' Underclothing, Shirts, Housemaids' Dresses,; experienced. Also Improvers and Apprentices.- Apply Mrs. Arnells, 483, Mill-street.

Man (strong, steady) Wanted, used to furniture business and care of a horse.- Apply by letter only, Robinson, 95, Renshaw-street.

Should any of the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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