Monday, March 29, 2010

'From A 1901 Liverpool Newspaper'.

'Some 'jobs' from a 1901 newspaper.

'A transcription from The Liverpool Mercury dated Monday, February 4, 1901'.

Apprentice.- A respectable boy about 14?.- Apply William Wall, saddler, 58, Shaw-street.

Boy wanted with good charcter, about 14 years.- Claudins Ash and Sons, Limited, 78, Mount-pleasant

Boy.- Respectable shop boy with good charcter wanted; age 16 to 18.- Apply Mr. Debert, 10, Church-street.

Boy wanted, to take charge of pony and trap; must know town and district well.- Apply P. Thompson and Son, importers? and general merchants, Cherry-lane, City, Liverpool.

Boy for bread and flour shop.- H.? Quayle, 138, Parkhill-road.

Boy (strong) wanted for butcher's shop.- Apply at 11 a.m., Bergl and Co., Elliot-street, Liverpool.

Should any of the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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