Wednesday, April 7, 2010

'From An 1811 Liverpool Mercury.'

'From The Liverpool Mercury Dated Friday, November 15th., 1811'.

S. Dennison respectfully informs her friends and the ladies of Liverpool, that she has commenced business in the millinery & dress line, at No. 2, Berry-street, having just arrived from London, with a selection of the newest and most fashionable assortment of millinery, dresses, pelices, mantles, corsets?, &c. which will be ready for inspection, on Tuesday the 19th inst. N.B. A variety ofnew fancy goods, rich velvets, sarsnets, Pelisse cloths, &c.

Sale by Auction: At the Globe Tavern, John-street, Liverpool, on Monday, the 25th inst?, at seven o'clock in the evening, the shop on the north side of James's-street, adjoining? the Fish-stones, together with a warehouse behind, fronting Moor-street, in the possession of Mr. Stanley? Lace. The above property is freehold of inheritance; and any further particulars may be had at the office of Joseph King and Son, Matthew-street, Liverpool.

For Maranham, the good Brig Theodore?, John Knubley, Master, armed with 10 carriage guns, intended to sail in all this month. For freight? apply to John Palmer, Brooks'-square, or J?. T. Koster and Co.

Should any of the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not an exact 'transcript'.

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