Wednesday, April 7, 2010

'From An 1811 Liverpool Mercury.'

'From The Liverpool Mercury Dated Friday, November 15th., 1811'.

A card worth the attention of musical families, &c. J. Campbell, No.5, Dale-street, Liverpool, has just received from London, a great variety of the best music, consisting of sonatas, lessons, songs, airs with variations, &c. for the piano forte, flute, and violin, which he offers to the public at half the original and present prices of other shops. A catalogue may be had as above.

A card. Mrs. Harris begs leave to acquaint her friends and the public in general, she is just returned from London, ehere she has selected a choice assortment of millinery, dresses, &c.- also Swandown Tippets, rich silk velvets, with every fashionable article for the season; which will be open on Monday? next, the 18th inst. An apprentice wanted. 11 Castle-street. (One concern.)

Should any of the above be of interest to you, you are advised to view the original article, as this is not necessarily an exact 'transcript'.

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